Stamp or engrave your driver’s license on each piece of equipment. Driver’s license numbers are recognized by all law enforcement agencies and will aid in identifying the owner of recovered equipment.Paint your logo or identifying marks on the roof or rollover-protection devices of equipment. This will help law-enforcement agencies spot equipment from a helicopter or an airplane.Spray-paint small tools, ladders, cords, etc. with a distinctive color for easy identification and die-stamp them with an identification number where possible.Disable all equipment at night by removing the battery or using a similar method.Keep debris piles picked up. Debris piles provide a place for small tools or materials to be stashed unnoticed for later retrieval.Remove all tools from the job site or lock them in a storage container with a proper heavy-duty padlock. Park a piece of heavy equipment in front of the door.Park equipment in a “wagon train,” with more mobile equipment in the center and heavier or less valuable equipment on the ends.Engage all earthmoving attachments (buckets, augers, etc.) into the ground. This makes the equipment more difficult to move without starting up the engine.Make sure that stacks of lumber or other materials are kept away from perimeter fencing. Make sure that the outside of perimeter fencing is kept clear of objects that would make it easier for a trespasser to climb over the fence.If you are new in an area, identify yourself to the local law-enforcement agencies. Let them know who you are, when and where you will be working, and how to get in touch with you if they should spot a problem. Also introduce yourself to any surrounding neighbors, both residential and commercial.Keep an accurate inventory of all equipment and tools, including identification numbers and where on the equipment they can be found.Keep your employees involved. Let them know that you take a tough stance on crime. Ask employees for suggestions on ways to improve job-site security. Offer incentives or rewards for helpful tips.