ASV Debuts New Brand Strategy and Improves Customer Experience with New Website
GRAND RAPIDS, Minn. (Feb. 12, 2019) — ASV Holdings Inc., an industry-leading manufacturer of all-purpose and all-season compact track loaders and skid steers, has introduced a new brand strategy highlighting the product features and qualities that make ASV an industry leader and allow customers to get more done in more places. The company also launched a new website with features to improve customer experience and ease of use.
“ASV is seeing exceptional growth so this brand and website launch come at a critical point in our company’s development,” said Justin Rupar, ASV Holdings Inc. vice president of sales and marketing. “The brand puts a spotlight on the unique differentiators of ASV, the company’s core values that make us who we are today, and our commitment to our customers to provide premium products that allow them to do their best work in countless applications. This includes providing all-season, all-terrain equipment that enables contractors to do more in more places than they ever thought possible.”
The new brand highlights ASV’s mission to support customers by creating innovative, high quality equipment that company employees would want to operate themselves. The brand identity showcases the ways ASV machines offer more power, performance, reliability and productivity than ever before. All of those features are ultimately laid out with the introduction of the new website.