Atlas Copco’s Intelligent Compaction System

April 13, 2016
Gx Latest

April 12, 2016 – COMMERCE CITY, Colo. – Atlas Copco’s easy-to-use intelligent compaction system gives contractors real-time material stiffness readings to ensure superior soil and asphalt compaction. This maximizes operator productivity, which saves contractors significant time and money. And, its touch screen capability makes the system user friendly and convenient.

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Atlas Copco featured its Dyn@Lyzer intelligent compaction system on the CC6200 asphalt roller March 22-24 at booth 2828 during World of Asphalt in Nashville, Tennessee.

Dyn@Lyzer uses a global navigation satellite system, such as GPS, to track the number of completed passes and the precise position of the roller at all times. The unit’s drum-mounted accelerometer measures the surface’s relative material stiffness and uses Evib readings to give operators immediate material stiffness results from within the cab and help minimize the number of passes. When using Dyn@Lyzer on asphalt the system uses two temperature sensors, one at each end of the roller, to register the surface temperature of the asphalt, giving operators consistent, relative stiffness readings. In addition, Atlas Copco’s intelligent compaction system helps contractors detect any loose materials so they can perform additional passes to reach the right compaction. This minimizes the risk of production related quality defects, which are time consuming and costly to remediate.

Contractors can use the intuitive system on a tablet to set project parameters and view compaction data. Once they achieve the optimal level of compaction, the program alerts the operator, so he or she can stop and reduce the risk of over compaction, which can affect the integrity of the material and damage the roller. The data storage also means contractors have the results readily available to print off or display for Federal Highway Department inspections.

Dyn@Lyzer is available on Atlas Copco CC2200 through CC6200 asphalt rollers and CA2500 through CA6500 soil rollers. For additional convenience, contractors can get free on-site training from an Atlas Copco representative or dealer.